Wednesday, August 17, 2011

From the Apple Tree...

to the kettle...

to the sieve...

to the bowl...

Add a little sweetening.

And you get 5 quarts of applesauce ready for the freezer

(and some for a sweet treat after dinner!)

For a little more details on making

applesauce from Transparent Apples

go to last years' post here.


I am joining Deborah Jean's Farmgirl Friday

for the first time!


Anonymous said...

Yum...yum...yum...yum!!! :)

Apple season here in the East is not until late September - just in time for my birthday! :-D

Be blessed,


Stina Marie said...

This is something I am determined to make this year. Last year hubby let all the cows eat the apples but this year I demanded he keep them out. Spoiled rotten things...

Gina said...

Delicious! Do those apples make good pies too?


Patricia @ 9th and Denver said...

Oh I loved seeing your pictures!
This reminds me of the days when my kiddos were small. We had a Mennonite neighbor and she taught me how to make applesauce and she let my kids help!
It was so much fun! ...not to mention TASTY!


Unknown said...

Hi there Farmgirl Lady!
Nice to * meet * you! Great post! You make it look soooo easy!
Thanks for sharing on the FFBH today!
Look forward to seeing you again!
Farmgirl Blessings

Candy C. said...

Your applesauce looks great! I made some last year for the first time and cooked it in the slow cooker, sure was easy! (I'm always into easy!) LOL!!

Jennifer said...

I LOVE (love!) homemade applesauce! I don't do much canning..well, none really:)...but I will make some applesauce - soon!

Teresa said...

That looks so good. I'm disappointed that my tree doesn't have apples this year.

Sue said...

Makes me want to start tomorrow on making my applesauce and butter. I also make cam apple juice!

Marqueta (Mar-kee-ta) G. said...

Dear Lady Farmer,

It seems just like yesterday that you were making applesauce last year! :) I'm so glad that you've been enjoying your fruit; our little apple tree got fire flight, so no apples for us. We'll have to find an orchard so we can have homemade sauce, too!



Alexandra said...

Yummy! I can almost small them with some cinnamon. Lovely twisty apple tree - my favorite trees.