Monday, October 11, 2010

'Quick' Applesauce Cookies

Assemble your tools and ingredients:

1 cup packed brown sugar

1/4 cup butter, softened

1 egg

2/3 cup applesauce

2 1/2 cups buttermilk baking mix

1/4 cup flour

1 teaspoon cinnamon

1/2 teaspoon allspice

1/2 teaspoon ground cloves

1 cup raisins


Heat oven to 350*
Mix butter, sugar and egg
Stir in applesauce
then remaining ingredients.
Drop onto ungreased cookie sheet.
Bake 10-12 minutes or until lightly brown
Remove immediately from cookie sheet.
Frost if desired.

(These would be great using farm fresh eggs,

homemade butter,

your own grapes dried for the raisins,

homemade applesauce

and a homemade buttermilk baking mix! They just wouldn't

be as quick! :~P )


GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Never tried applesauce cookies... look might good :)

Anonymous said...

I wonder if you could substitute the baking mix to just plain flour...otherwise, they look delicious ;-)


Anonymous said...

those look yummy I bet a I could make them with my gluten free baking mix I will have to try that ~Thanks for sharing Love Heather

Sue said...

They do loook so delicious, and quick too. I see you have some blue eggs like me. Don't you just love the different colored eggs that hens lay. Thanks for sharing.

Camille said...

LOL Raeann...I like your adjustment suggestions at the bottom of the post and the fact that they wouldn't be as quick that way. :) They do sound yummy though. I'm sure your home smelled delish as they baked.

Have a wonderful week my friend!
In His Love,

Jennifer said...

I love anything that comes from your pantry - these look really yummy. I LOVE applesauce:) and I LOVE cookies even more!!

Simply Heart And Home said...

Those look simple and delicious! Mmm


Sweet Old Vintage said...

I will give these a try... I use to have arecipe for applesauce cookies and this one sounds real close... Thanks for stopping by... I am doing Christmas and I think I can get away with it because I would consider mine just more winter..... I don't have laot of Santas and elves and things like that.... I just decorate around my existing objects mainly and use some mica covered things for sparkle.... I just put up a small tree and it is tucked in a corner so it is not like Christmas jumps everwhere at you... I just love getting it done...

myletterstoemily said...

i love how puffy they are. i can't wait to
try this yummy recipe, and it must make
the house smell heavenly. thank you.


Joy Tilton said...

So glad I followed a comment on another blog and found you and your wonderful recipes! Going back I see several we would love. I see you have several blogs...can't wait to check them out too! Come visit me in Arkansas at Granny Mountain...