This is a re-post from 2009.
This is what I have been busy doing this
past couple of days.
For a few current photos,
please visit me at my main blog
Every year about this time we can fresh, wild caught albacore tuna!
Once you have canned your own, you will never go back to that
stuff the grocery stores call tuna ~ (it's more like cat food than fish!)
1 &1/2 hours from home, we arrive at Westport, Washington
Float 11
Captain of the F/V Evening is cleaning and filleting tuna.

<((>< Below is a couple of 'mates' filling coolers with tuna and ice. <((><
<((>< Back at home, Gentleman Farmer does a little more cleaning and cutting the tuna "loins" to size. <((><
<((>< Tuna is an excellent scource of healthy, Omega 3 oils. <((><
<((>< Fill prepared 1/2 pint jars with tuna, leaving 1/2 inch of space at top. Add 1/4 teaspoon salt. Wipe rims of jars with clean, damp cloth. Apply clean lids and bands. <((><
<((>< Process in Pressure Canner for 90 minutes at 10 lbs. pressure. Let pressure reduce naturally. Open canner and.... Viola! A School of Fish! <((><
Nothing but beautiful, all natural tuna and a tiny bit of sea salt!
Great for sandwiches, salads or cassaroles!
Tastes Good and Good for you!