Recently, while Youngest Farmers Daughter and her
hubby were with us over the holidays,
we discovered that his favorite bread is sourdough!
And we did find a very yummy brand at the store that had
lots of garlic in it which we all loved! :~P
I like to make bread (with varied degrees of sucess!) and
thought I would like to make some sourdough.
( My only experience with the fermented loaf making was several years ago
when I was given a 'starter' for 'Herman'. I didn't like it!
It was not my idea of bread ~ but more of a 'past it's prime' sweet bread!)
After a wee bit of research, this is what I have come up with.
I don't know what the outcome will be,
but, come along with me as I experiment with
this age old process of making
sourdough starter!
Sourdough starter needs to have a wide mouth
glass container to grow in.
(Crockery may be used, but I understand that
it is best when you can see the process.)
Below: 1 gallon jar that has been
washed and scalded with boiling water.
(We don't want any 'uninvited guests' contaminating
our home for our welcomed Wild Yeast family!)

Using only glass, plastic or wooden utensils (metal has adverse effects on the
fermenting process), measure
1 cup warm water
1 cup unbleached flour

Pour into sterilized container and stir with wooden spoon.
Some lumps are ok ~ they will break down later.

Cover with loose fitting top or cloth (permits the wild yeast to colonize
and prevents a messy explosion from build up of fermenting gases!)
Keep in a warm place (70* - 80*) for 24 hours.

Come back tomorrow as we continue our
experiment with making a sourdough starter!
I would love to have you 'grow' a starter along with me!
Please let me know if you do!